Violin Location: Stockholm, Svealand, Sweden
Musical Instrument Description: Violin for sale - "Cantabile" inkl. stråke och låda

Handbyggda instrument av mycket h�g kvalitet. Uppst�llda och tonjusterade av Torbj�rn Zethelius. Instrumenten �r l�ttspelade och har snabb respons. Str�ngar av m�rket Pirastro "Violino". Oljelack. St�mskruvar, hakh�llare, str�ngh�llare och �ndknapp �r av jujubetr�. Instrumenten �r tillverkade i Kina.
Finns i storlekarna 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/10, 1/16. Alla utom 4/4 �r utrustade med str�ke och l�da.
Ca 14 dagars leveranstid. Instrumentet p� bilden �r ett exempel.
Handmade instruments of high quality. Set up and sound adjusted by Violin Maker Torbj�rn Zethelius. The instruments are easy to play and has a fast response. Strings by Pirastro; "Violino". Oil varnish. Pegs, chinrest, string holder and end button are made of jujube wood. The instruments are made in China.
Available in sizes 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/10, 1/16. All except 4/4 comes with a bow and case.
The photos shows a sample violin.
Torbj�rn Zethelius har examen fr�n The Violin Making School of America, Salt Lake City, USA. Medlem av Sveriges violin- och str�kmakares f�rbund, SVSF.
Stor sortering av violiner, viola, cello, samt str�kar.
Specialitet ljuduppst�llningar och -justeringar.
Torbj�rn Zethelius is a graduate of the Violin Making School of America, Salt Lake City, USA.He has apprenticed at Str�kton Violin Ateliers in Stockholm, and with violinmaker Samuel Zygmuntowicz in Brooklyn, New York. He is a member of the professional association The Swedish Violin- and Bow Maker's Association, SVSF.