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Violin Bow - Franska str�kar s�kes

Musical instruments category
Instrument listing typeWanted
Musical instrument number20589
Instrument listed on25 Apr 2001
Sold/Removed13 Sep 2002
CompanyZethelius Violin Maker
Associate since 26 Apr 1999
Other listings from this associate

Violin Bow Location: StockholmSvealandSweden

Musical Instrument Description: Violin Bow - Franska str�kar s�kes


Torbj�rn Zethelius har examen fr�n The Violin Making School of America, Salt Lake City, USA. Medlem av Sveriges violin- och str�kmakares f�rbund, SVSF.

Stor sortering av violiner, viola, cello, samt str�kar.
Specialitet ljuduppst�llningar och -justeringar.

Torbj�rn Zethelius is a graduate of the Violin Making School of America, Salt Lake City, USA.He has apprenticed at Str�kton Violin Ateliers in Stockholm, and with violinmaker Samuel Zygmuntowicz in Brooklyn, New York. He is a member of the professional association The Swedish Violin- and Bow Maker's Association, SVSF.


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