Description for Viola : Altvioliner 41 cm.. Mycket prisvärda.Certificat. Modell:J. Kantuscher..17.1:
Lennart Lundmark har byggt n�gra altvioliner f�r min firma. Alla med certifikat. Vacker ton. Mycket, mycket prisv�rda. Nyligen k�pte en yrkesviolast och tv� st. musikstuderande dessa instrument. K�p innan dom �r slut.
Kroppsl�ngd 41 cm. Modellen �r Josef Kantuscher, Mittenwald. Kan skickas till kund f�r provspelning. Pris 19.000:- Med 10% rabatt 17.100:-. Meddela mig vilken str�ngsort Du vill ha. T.ex. Helicore eller Dominant. DIN FIOL AB Skellefte�. Sture och Mattias Sandlund 0910-15066. Mobil 070-300 00 10
Lennart Lundmark has made several violas for my company. All with certificate. Beautiful tone.
Bodylength 41cm.
The model is Josef Kantuscher, Mittenwald. Recently sold three of them to students at university of music and also a prof. musician.
Pris 19.000:- -10% = 17.100 SKr. Do You vant Helicore or Dominant strings?Best Regards DIN FIOL AB (your violin ltd) Sture and Mattias Sandlund, Skellefte�, Sweden. Mobil Mattias 0046(0)70 555 9471
Location: Skellefte�, Norra Norrland, Sweden
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