Electronic Instrument Location: Schenectady, NY, USA
Electronic Instrument Description: Electronic Instrument for sale - Lighting-Ellipsoidals-Controllers-trussing
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2 Elipsoidals-6 inch, cast type with adjustable lens for $50.00each+shipping.Light Controller by Chauvet(timer system)new condition includes 8-channel timer switch(rack mountable), 25 foot cable, and 8 channel relay pack $80.00+shipping.
4- eight foot double hung trussing, gusset ends bolt together $200.00each+shipping.
Wybron Color changers & control board,
4-Colormax scrollers (with gel strings) fit standard par64 frame, several new connecting wires, control board, road case, system=$1000.00+shipping.
Laser LS-100 laser & scanner, .5mw tube, with controller & 100' control wire, $150.00+shipping.