Location: Vienna, Austria
Description for Cello - Italian Cello, 1830 with certificate:
Violoncello, Montagnana-Modell, School of Pacherel, Torino, ca. 1830 � 50.000 (Certificate: Hill, UK)
The instrument is in excellent condition and possess outstanding playing qualities, capable of satisfying the demands of a soloist.
Fine, good-sounding Italian instruments at an affordable price are rare, therefore many of your friends would be thankful to find out about these instruments.
The instrument is in excellent condition and possess outstanding playing qualities, capable of satisfying the demands of a soloist.
Fine, good-sounding Italian instruments at an affordable price are rare, therefore many of your friends would be thankful to find out about these instruments.
More information: http://www.orpheon.org/OldSite/Seiten/Instruments/violoncello/vc_f.htm
http://www.orpheon.org/OldSite/Seiten/Instruments/violoncello/vc_f.htmPictures pages for Cello - Italian Cello, 1830 with certificate: