Location: Skellefte�, Norra Norrland, Sweden
Description for Cello: J.B. Dvorak Pragae 1889:
En mycket fin och v�lbevarad cello byggd av: J.B. Dvorak Pragae 1889. Cellon har en tydlig och projicerande klangbild som n�r ut till den bakersta b�nkraden. Cellon �r idag utrustad med nya Evah Pirazzi-str�ngar. Denna cello har instrumentmakare Jan Larsson v�rderat till 175.000:-. Intyg finns. Fr.om. 22 sept. �r denna cello utl�nad f�r provspelning hos kund i Uppsala.
A very nice specimen of a cello made by:
J.B. Dvorak fecit Pragae 1889. The cello have a clear and projecting sound that reach to the end of the hall. Today it is equipped with new Evah Pirazzi cables. Valuecertificate of 175.000 SKr. written by luthier Jan Larsson.
Best regards Sture and Mattias Sandlund, Skellefte�, Sweden.
A very nice specimen of a cello made by:
J.B. Dvorak fecit Pragae 1889. The cello have a clear and projecting sound that reach to the end of the hall. Today it is equipped with new Evah Pirazzi cables. Valuecertificate of 175.000 SKr. written by luthier Jan Larsson.
Best regards Sture and Mattias Sandlund, Skellefte�, Sweden.
More information: http://www.dinfiol.nu