Bassoon Location: Newark, DE, USA
Description: Bassoon for sale - Heckel Bassoon #10519 for sale
Heckel bassoon #10519 for sale. Appraised for $39,000. Includes: water tubes, a low c#/d# trill key, a right hand eb trill key, offset high d and eb keys, a Moennig left hand whisper key lock & a high A ring key so you can play high A with just the F pinkey key, extra rollers and key guards. Includes 3 Heckel bocals: 1CC, 2 CDE with a special pin hole to play extreme upper register (has a specially built piece that covers it for regular playing) & a 2CCE (to sweeten the deal) and original GEWA case and a Bona case purchased new, swabs, leather seat strap. For pictures click on this link:
Pictures: Bassoon for sale - Heckel Bassoon #10519 for sale